ONIC sows the word and weaves processes of unity in the Third International Congress of Indigenous Peoples of Latin America

• In Brasilia, Brazil, from July 03 to 05, 2019.
"The message to the world, to humanity is that we cannot have Peace, but we are in Peace with Mother Earth": Oscar Montero - Kankuamo Indigenous Leader - ONIC in CIPIAL, 2019.
With the spiritual force of the Jungle from July 3 to 5, 2019, representatives of 101 Indigenous Peoples and Abya Yala originals, researcher, teacher, indigenous and non-indigenous students and professionals were gathered in the University of Brasilia (Unb), in the realization of the Third International Congress of Indigenous Peoples of Latin America (CIPIAl).
After listening, reflecting and discussing about 62 thematic symposiums, 22 integrative activities, 7 photographic exhibitions, 8 films in the CIPIAL cinema show and with the participation of more than 2000 thousand people, represented in 14 countries, the Third International Indigenous Peoples Congress Latin America expresses and denounces the humanitarian crisis in which the Indigenous Peoples of the continent are currently; where an urgent call is made to the States and the International Community to stop the Genocide against the caretaking and defending peoples of Mother Earth.
The ONIC on behalf of Oscar David Montero De La Rosa, indigenous leader of the Kankuamo People reiterates its commitment to continue weaving processes of harmony, balance, resistance and unity with the Indigenous Peoples of the continent, and reaffirms that they continue to count on the Indigenous Peoples of Colombia for Peace and never for War.
• Attached in PDF the Official Manifesto of the 3rd International Congress of Indigenous Peoples of Latin America: Manifesto_3rd International Congress_Peoples Indigenous_Latin America