Our Vission

We envision ONIC, as a restructured and transformed high priority agency of self-governance for all the Indigenous Peoples of Colombia and its authorities. Also, it will have the ability of agreeing and establishing national policies that strengthen indigenous territorial and jurisdictional autonomy. Additionally, it will be able to issue indigenous laws that are recognized by The Colombian State and its institutions to contribute in the construction of self-governance capabilities for indigenous peoples in order for them to make use of their collective rights.

We are committed to be an entity with independent rights for the indigenous peoples of Colombia, working with legitimate powers in order to carry out agreement processes between the indigenous peoples - their authorities and organizations - and the Colombian State, including the National Government. In addition, we will be an entity with powers to generate policies that strengthen the recognition of autonomy and the fulfilment of the rights of Indigenous Peoples within our nation.

ONIC will be materialized as a national scenario of reflection that achieves unity within diversity and fosters political consensus among indigenous peoples. Furthermore, it will encourage solidarity with other social sectors, contributing to the development of a democratic, fair and equal society that peacefully solves its conflicts.

We see it as an organizational tool with enhanced capabilities to face the challenges of globalization and the political, cultural and territorial demands of indigenous peoples. In the same way, it will be an instrument to establish alliances with other Indigenous Peoples, as well as, National and International Popular Organizations. Moreover, it will be formed as a political enterprise of indigenous peoples governed by principles of transparency, effectiveness and management efficiency to move towards its own sustainability, along with decentralized activities.